Pro Clima Contega Solido SL-D

Pre-installation airtightness tape ideal for windows with slim frames and designed for ease of application


For advice on which airtightness product is best for your project, please contact us on 01484 461705.

  • The joint is im­me­di­ately air­tight as a res­ult of full-sur­face ad­he­sion
  • Ex­tremely strong ad­he­sion on min­er­al sub­sur­faces too thanks to SOL­ID ad­hes­ive
  • Can be plastered over
  • Simple joints thanks to the ad­di­tion­al ad­hes­ive zone
  • Easy to ap­ply
  • Ex­cel­lent val­ues in the haz­ard­ous sub­stance test, has been tested ac­cord­ing to the AgBB eval­u­ation scheme


The CON­TEGA SOLIDO SL-D joint ad­hes­ive tape, which is full-sur­face ad­hes­ive and can be plastered over, en­sures in­teri­or air­tight and va­pour-re­tard­ing seal­ing of win­dows and doors to ad­ja­cent build­ing com­pon­ents made of wood and min­er­al sub­sur­faces such as con­crete and ma­sonry.
The in­teg­rated ad­hes­ive zone on the fleece side makes it easy to seal joints to win­dows and doors.
The stuck joint is im­me­di­ately air­tight and can be sub­jec­ted to load­ing. The fleece can simply be plastered over in ac­cord­ance with our ap­plic­a­tion guide.
These bonds will cor­res­pond to the re­quire­ments of DIN 4108-7, SIA 180 and OENORM B 8110-2.

Technical Detail

  • Before sticking, subsurfaces should be brushed off or wiped clean with a cloth.
  • Uneven mineral subsurfaces may need to be levelled with a smooth finish.
  • Subsurfaces must be sufficiently dry and have sufficient load-bearing capacity


Technical specs

Backing PP backing fleece, PP copolymer special membrane
Adhesive modified waterproof SOLID adhesive / special acrylate adhesive
Release film one or two split silicone-coated PE sheet
Attribute Norm Value
Colour white
sd-value EN 1931 2.8 m
g-value 14 MNs/g
Vapor permeance ASTM E 96 1.17 US perms
Can be plastered over yes
ift Rosenheim (DE) testet MO-01/1:2007-01, Abs. 5 passed, surrounding
Application temperature above -10 °C ; 14 °F
Temperature resistance permanent -40 °C to 90 °C ; -40 °F to 194 °F
Storage cool and dry



Be­fore stick­ing, sub­sur­faces should be brushed off, wiped clean with a cloth or cleaned us­ing com­pressed air.
Un­even min­er­al sub­sur­faces may need to be lev­elled with a smooth fin­ish.
Ad­he­sion to frozen sur­faces is not pos­sible. There must be no wa­ter-re­pel­lent sub­stances (e.g. grease or sil­ic­one) on ma­ter­i­als to be bon­ded. Sub­sur­faces must be suf­fi­ciently dry and have suf­fi­cient load-bear­ing ca­pa­city.

Per­man­ent ad­he­sion is achieved on all pro clima in­teri­or mem­branes and on oth­er va­pour re­tarder and air­tight mem­branes (e.g. those made of PE, PA, PP and alu­mini­um).
Ad­he­sion can be car­ried out on planed and painted wood, hard plastics, hard wood-based pan­els (chip­board, OSB and ply­wood pan­els) and on min­er­al sub­sur­faces such as con­crete and ma­sonry.

The best res­ults in terms of struc­tur­al sta­bil­ity are achieved on high-qual­ity sub­sur­faces.
It is your re­spons­ib­il­ity to check the suit­ab­il­ity of the sub­sur­face; ad­he­sion tests are re­com­men­ded in cer­tain cases.
Pre­treat­ment with TESCON PRIMER RP is re­com­men­ded in the case of sub­sur­faces with in­suf­fi­cient load-bear­ing ca­pa­city.


General conditions

The bonds should not be subjected to tensile strain.
Press firmly to secure the adhesive tapes, taking care to ensure that there is sufficient resistance pressure behind them.
Airtight seals can only be achieved if the sealing tape is installed free of folds and breaks.
Ventilate continuously and systematically to prevent build-up of excessive humidity; use a dryer if necessary.

Title Type
Datasheet CONTEGA SOLIDO SL-D Datasheets Download
CONTEGA-SOLIDO-SL-D Application Guide Datasheets Download

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